Who lives out on an island all year round?
There is life on Brännskär all year round. Today, two families live on the island.
Lennart became Brännskär's new tenant in 2011, he lives on the island with his family. In 2015, when the renovation of the second house was completed, Simon and Ida moved in. It is a unique lifestyle to live out on a small archipelago island like Brännskär. You get to experience all seasons and weather up close. Take part in all the beautiful; nature, silence, community ... Also endure difficulties, such as logistics and the distance to social life and service.
The summer is eventful, fast-paced and happy.
Autumn is calm and a time when nature shows its power. Winter is the time when everything becomes uncertain, a time when we live on the conditions of nature. Spring comes with hope and anticipation. The different seasons all have their own charm and we are happy to experience them right on Brännskär.
Brännskär is our home!