Brännskär is an old fisherman's homestead in the middle of Åboland's beautiful archipelago. In recent years, we have together with Åbolands skärgårdsstiftelse developed a small guest harbour close to nature with a café, sauna, freshly baked bread and smoked fish. Everyone is welcome, both children and adults thrive here.
...but Brännskär is much more than solely a guest harbour, the island is our home. Today, two families live all year round on the island. Out here, the entrepreneurship is viable.
This is where Lennart Söderlund builds his wooden boats, log cabins and designs and manufactures all kind of wood products. This is where Ida Törnroos has her base for the teather group Teater Kojan and it's here where the summer evenings are filled with music and culture. This is also where Simon Strömsund och Linus Söderlund offers you the genuine archipelago experience with accommodation in cottages, outdoor activities, food service, fishing trips and camp schools.
We here at Brännskär want to create an atmosphere that makes visitors feel the calmness and forget the stress. The archipelago not only provides opportunities, the archipelago is an opportunity that we must manage and take care of. It is unique in its kind.